It is usually VERY hot here on Christmas Day. We have a hot lunch anyway.
Roast pork, turkey, ham and loads of roast potatoes, pumpkin and sweet potato, with green vegetables too.
For dessert we have Pavlova (very Australian) and Tiramisu (very Italian).
We always wear some sort of silly hat to get us in the festive spirit.
Here my sons are wearing inflatable reindeer hats. They may never speak to me again after they see this post!!
Only 24 sleeps until Christmas.
I had lunch yesterday with a fellow blogger, Bluberyy Lane Designs as she was at my workplace for the day. It was great to catch up.
I am away on a school excursion next week to Nambucca Heads so will not be posting for at least 10 days.
Bye for now.
Thanks.....I love read about Christmas-day in others countries.
ciao ciao
I am sure they won't ever want to speak to you again after those photos, LOL
Have a good week away
OMG do they know you have a blog........if not you are safe but if they do you are in big trouble........
No much chance for me to meet them round the corner, so they should not worry!
My DH found out what your bone china cups with the tray are: they are called "Stamperl" from Bavaria and they are schnapps glasses. So now you only have to buy schnapps and you can celebrate Christmas very merrily! Take care.
You shouldn't post such photos of your lovely boys. My poor old heart is racing (grin)
What feather said :D
I wish I were in Australia - do either of the boys fancy a UK girl penpal? I wont bite! I promise!
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